The Main Window

The TicketMaven main window consists of a menu bar on top and a set of “tabs” on the left.

The Menu Bar provides the following menus:

File Menu

Admin (All of the Admin menu items should be used with caution by someone with expertise)


Print Tickets

On the left are a number of tabs. Selecting a particular tab will change the contents of the main window. These tabs are:

The layouts of these five tabs are similar. This is to give the user the same experience when managing any of the five main data items that the program maintains.

Most of the five tabs manage lists of data (i.e. customers, shows…). The top of the tab may optionally contain a set of filter criteria. The middle of the tab will often contain a scrollable table of data. Each row of the table will correspond to one data item in the database. The bottom of the tab contains a detailed view of a single row of data.

Filter Criteria

The filter criteria is used to limit which rows are shown in a table. The data tables can grow to large sizes, and by default the program will only show a maximum of 5000 rows in the data table at a time. So, for example, if the database contains a total 200,000 tickets for all shows, and the user wants to see only the tickets for a particular show, the filter criteria on the Assigned Tickets tab can be used to limit the display to show only tickets for that show.

Editing Data

To edit a single data item (such as a single customer within the Customer Manager tab or a single show from within the Show Manager tab), first select the row to be edited in the table with the mouse. The row should be highlighted in the table, and the detailed information for that row should be displayed below the table. The border title around the detailed information should now say “Edit xxx” (i.e. Edit Customer Information). The detailed information can now be changed. To save the updated information, press the Save button on the bottom of the window and the changes are saved in the database.

Entering New Data

If no row of the data table is highlighted and the border around the detailed information has the title “Enter New xxxx” and is in red, then the detailed information will be saved as a new record in the database when the Save button at the bottom of the screen is pressed.

If you want to start editing a new record, but a row of the data table is already highlighted, press the “Enter New” button on the bottom of the window. The “Enter New” button provides a way to stop editing an existing row and to begin entering a brand new row of data.

Deleting Data

To delete a row of data, highlight it with the mouse and press the delete button at the bottom of the window.

Print List

The print list button provides a quick way to send the current contents of the table to a printer. This data will NOT be formatted in an optimal way and is not a substitute for the reports. It simply provides a quick way to print the currently shown table.