Customized Ticket Printing

The default style used when printing tickets can be customized from the Default Ticket Formats tab on the File->Options screen.

Each show can also have its own custom ticket format that is edited via the Ticket Format tab in the show details editor.

From zero to eight lines of text can be printed on a ticket. The text, font, and color of each line can be customized. At the default font size, 8 lines will fit on the ticket. Fewer lines will fit as font size increases.

The text for each line is printed literally as it is entered in the text entry box for that line. However, by entering special “variables” in the text, the program can be instructed to insert variable data onto the ticket. A variable has the form {v}, where v is the variable name which must be enclosed in curly braces.

For example, {name} is a variable that will be replaced on the ticket by the customer name. So, if the Line 1 custom text on the Customize Ticket tab is changed to: “Name: {name}”, the ticket preview above will show: “Name: Customer Name”. For the preview, {name} is replaced by the text “Customer Name”. When printing actual show tickets to a printer, {name} would be replaced by the real customer name, for example “Name: Joe Smith”.

The following table summarizes the variables that are available to be used within the Customize Ticket lines:

Variable Name

Shown in Preview as:

Printing on Tickets Using:


Customer Name

The customer name


Your Show Name

The show name



The show price


The club from the options


current date/time

date/time of the show



Ticketed Row



Ticketed Seat


Table 1

Reserved Table

The background of the ticket can also be customized. The Background Logo button allows you to browse for a GIF or JPEG image to use as a ticket background.

Any image selected will be scaled to fit the ticket, but for the most natural, un-scaled results, use an image size of 234x126 pixels.